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Instructions and Help about form 23 bankruptcy
Let's learn how to make a form using a spreadsheet what we'll do is make a form that you can take home first you'll print it out then you'll take out home, and then you'll fill it out with information about different books that you have a home movies and all sorts of other media like video games or computer games or computer programs that you have at home let's use Microsoft Excel to create this form find Microsoft Excel and then launch it first let's save your file go ahead and click on the Save button just here and then let's save it into your computer's folder you should have a computers' folder if you're in eighth grade use your computers 8 folders I don't have one solve me make a new folder computers 8 and then the name of this file is going to be just a standard file name so start with the year and then the month has two digits and then the day is two digits and then the words media and lists with no spaces and then whatever hour of the day you're in so if you're in 4th hour class for example I'll just put down 8 as an example 8th hour and then your username so type your username I'm going to type your username to remind you to type your own username and then click on save to save it then up at the top here it'll have that file name it should have the date and then the word media list the hour you're in class and then your username your own username that you used to log into the computer, so you're going to create use the spreadsheet to create a form that you can print out take home fill out and bring back to school so first let's go to the top and put your name on the form so in cell a1 go ahead and type your first name and your last name, so I'll just put an example John Smith okay and then in the next cell press ENTER go to cell a2 and type the day and the date type your own date the date that it is right now not the date that I'm recording this video okay and then the next cell let's type my media inventory and remember you can pause this video anytime you want if you need more time to type something in, so you're going to take the swarm home, and you're going to make a list of all your different books that are at home video games videotapes CDs DVDs Blu-ray discs any sort of media that might be found also at a public library so if you think of a public library you think of something you might check out from a public library, and then you think of what's in your house or your home those are the types of items you're going to put down on the list here, so books would be great you could actually do magazines video games movies of course I mean those are the types of things you could also find in a library, so you're making a list of all these things that you have a home, and you're going to bring that list in, and you're going to type it into the computer and make a database okay, but first you need to make this form, so we're going to start with one column which is called the first column we'll just call the item number so go ahead and...
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